For those of you who liked my Carrot cake overnight oats and my Apple pie overnight oats – yeeey, another overnights oats recipe!!!!!
I know, most of you must be going ‘oh no’ while others may be going ‘yeeey!!’ (Somebody? Anybody?) Anyways, the fact of the matter is that I am addicted to the stuff. Not just the food, but also the convenience of it. You see, I am not a morning person. Let me rephrase that. I simply CANNOT get up in the morning. I can stay up at night as late as I like, even the wee hours of the day, but once I hit the bed, there is no getting up until the sun has hit a high note. But life is not so beautiful for the likes of us who are obliged to get up early in the morning and go to work to earn our living. So making breakfast after having woken up so early would be adding insult to injury.
Which is why overnight oats works for me. You simply take it out of the fridge and eat! It’s a brainless job really and is ideal for people like me who are on zombie mode until a good while after they have gotten off the bed. Also, it keeps you full longer so that you don’t have to worry about finding food until a good while afterwards too. I can even go without lunch some days with a small jar of overnight oats. Which is why I keep on trying more of these wonderfully easy, convenient recipes!
The latest? It’s an unusual combination. Lime, thyme and honey – an unlikely trio. I was reluctant to try it out at first, but then I decided what the hell. No pain no gain. But what came out was deliciously refreshing and although tasting light, incredibly filling.
Lime & thyme overnight oats

- Prep Time : 5 minutes
- Yield : 2 servings
- Rolled Oats - 1 cup
- Yogurt - 6 tblsps
- Lime juice - 3 tblsps
- Lime rind, grated - 1 tsp
- Thyme, dried - 1 tsp
- Honey - 2 tblsps
- Milk - 1 cup
- Mix everything together, keep it covered in the refrigerator overnight.
- Take it out in the morning and dig right in!
Yes, I can’t believe how easy it is either!
Strangely enough, the zestiness of the lime sings exceptionally well in this creamy, almost cheese-like surrounding in this unlikely combo with the thyme echoing the wonderful freshness of the lime. The zing of the lime rind sends little electric currents of pleasure all over the body and blends right in with the wonderful milky richness of it all. But the most wonderful part is, even though it’s quite heavy, it doesn’t feel heavy at all. After licking the last spoonful clean, it feels as if you’ve only had a refreshing ice cold drink and not your jar of overnight oats! It just baffles me how ordinary oats looks, yet how extraordinary it can taste.
Helpful tips
- When grating the lime rind, make sure that ONLY the green part is grated. The white part of the rind will make the oats a tad bitter and overpower the delicate, elegant flavours of the dish.
- Drizzle in a few extra dashes of honey before consuming (like I have done) if you have a sweet tooth. You will truly appreciate it.